Friday, 20 April 2012

It is a fact that if you want something too badly, it is likely to evade you. And this is truer for happiness than anything else. The reason why happiness seems to evade the millions of people searching for it is because they are looking in the wrong place.

Most people look for happiness "outside" themselves and not "inside". Some feel that they would be happy if they could afford a house of their own. Others feel that they just have to own all the latest gizmos to finally find happiness.

There are some who may not seek happiness in material things but they are still not looking in the right place. They feel that they would be happy if they found the right life partner or if their children loved them more. Even in such cases, these people are searching for happiness "outside" themselves.

Have you ever wondered how most infants are extremely happy almost all the time? Physical discomfort can make them cry for a while but such aspects are transient and last for only a few minutes. The reason why infants are almost always in a state of natural happiness is because they are in constant awe of nature and the world around them. Unfortunately, it is the society, parents, friends, teachers and relatives that influence them with regards to what happiness should mean.

It may be difficult to undo all the layers of perception that have formed on the mind over time. However, it is never too late to try and address the issue and train your mind to be happy. There are some tips that can help you in shedding your inhibitions and breaking away from the shackles of predefined definitions of happiness.
  • Accept yourself – One of the key reasons why people are unhappy is that they do not really like or love themselves enough. It is essential that you accept yourself as what you are without any caveats and conditions to attain happiness. Don't get too critical about yourself – your looks, your brains, your capabilities or your financial condition. Just learn how to love yourself as you are. You will realize that once you are comfortable with what you are, others will accept you more willingly.

  • Happiness is a state of mind – It is important that you understand and appreciate that your happiness lies within. Consider this – no one can make you unhappy if you have decided for sure that you will be happy in every situation. If you have made up your mind to be happy, you can always seek out the positive aspects of a situation and remain happy. Life may throw challenges at you but solutions will come faster and to you if you face them with a smile on your face.

  • Prioritize your life
  • – As we grow older, the demands that various people and circumstances they lay on us increase. While on the one hand your job pressures increase, you may also feel the need to spend time with your family and children. At the same time, you may also want to enjoy life personally by doing the things that you have always wanted like going to the gym or taking off on a mountaineering trek.

    It is important that you learn how to balance the various responsibilities that you may have. If any one of these tasks becomes paramount, you are likely to ignore the others. For example, if you get extremely preoccupied with your work, you family life are likely to miss you. On the other hand, if you are too consumed with your plans for your various hobbies, your job and family are likely to suffer. You may achieve momentary happiness but neither of these situations can result in happiness in the long run.

  • Take care of your health – an unhealthy body cannot be the home of a happy mind. It is important that you understand the strong link between physical health and mental happiness. If you are fit and healthy, you are likely to exude positive energy.

  • Stay in the company of happy people – Ensure that you seek out people who are happy and cheerful all the time. Being in the company of people who have a habit of cribbing and criticizing is likely to divert your mind towards negative thoughts. Avoid getting into the sulk mode by choosing the company of happy people.

  • Be grateful – Saying a small "thank you" for what you have can make a lot of difference. When you make it a habit to be grateful, you seek out the things that you do have. This helps you divert your mind from negative thoughts of what you do not have. This does not mean that you give up trying. On the other hand it encourages you to think of future goals and achievements in a positive manner.
Take time off to enjoy nature, life and the small things that we take for granted on a daily basis. A beautiful sunset can bring you joy, if only you would take a few minutes out of your daily schedule and look at i

The secret to a healthy body is simple and actually not too difficult, but all the same it does take daily discipline. In addition, it doesn’t need to cost you a lot of money. There are five areas of focus that will keep your body in shape, healthy, flexible, and strong. This article will outline the 5 areas to work on and will include a sample weekly workout regimen that you can start using today.
1. Aerobic Exercise. The simplest way to meet this need is walking. Walking is the one of the best exercises for your body. The wear and tear on your joints is lower than jogging. Be sure to start off slower to warm up and increase speed slowly after about 3-5 minutes. To increase the intensity, simply lengthen your stride a bit and speed up your pace. The other strategy for increasing intensity is to increase your speed for short bursts of time. (see workout below) If you prefer, jogging is also good if it doesn’t bother your knees. Just know that walking is just as good if you go fast enough. No big investment needed. All you need is your sneakers, and maybe not even that if you walk on the beach. 30 minutes per day every day has been shown to be the optimal amount of exercise. If you don’t have time all at once, the same benefits are derived even if you break it up into 3 X 10 minute or 2 X 15 minute sessions.

2. Stretching. An important age marker is your level of flexibility. Yoga is a terrific way to keep your body flexible. If you don’t have time for a full yoga session, try to make sure you do 5 minutes of stretching each day after your aerobic exercise. To ensure you get most areas of your body, try a sun salutation, some seated twists, and a hip opener.
3. Balancing. Balance, along with flexibility, is something that we lose with age. Practice this a little bit every day and you’ll be less likely to lose it. Yoga, again, is another great way to build and maintain balance. There are several yoga poses you could use to increase balance. Try one each day. A simple one you can do is to stand on one leg and grab the foot of the other leg to stretch the hamstring in the front of the thigh. As you build your balance over time try to touch your toes with your other hand while maintaining balance. It is helpful to keep your eyes focused on one point. Do this for 15-60 seconds on each leg.
4. Strength Building. You can certainly join a gym and lift weights. But another less expensive option, which is just as good, is simply using the weight of your own body for resistance. The easiest way to do this is to do an hour of yoga a few times per week. A yoga class is great, but to save money, I recommend buying a few different yoga tapes and rotate them. Check out tapes from your local library first to see if you like them before buying, or go to Amazon and check out the reviews to find ones that are highly rated. If you don’t want to do yoga, you can do pilates or try the free online workout regimen prescribed by Dr. Roizen and Dr. Oz of “YOU: The Owner’s Manual.”
5. Deep Breathing. This is very important and here’s why. Your lymph system relies on the contraction of muscles and breathing to move the fluids of the lymph system around the body. Why is this so important? The lymph system “has three interrelated functions: (1) removal of excess fluids from body tissues, (2) absorption of fatty acids and subsequent transport of fat, as chyle, to the circulatory system and, (3) production of immune cells.” So, how do you get your daily dose? Aerobic exercise, yoga, and/or try The Deep Breathing Exercise 2-3 times per day. Here’s how:

Thursday, 19 April 2012

  1. Being "fit" essentially means being able to perform well in a wide variety of physically taxing circumstances. For some people, it also means being able to "fit" into their favorite clothes, while for others, it's just getting in shape. Either way, if you find yourself running out of breath when doing simple things like walking up a few stairs or playing catch, it's time to improve your physical condition. To get fit, try the following techniques.

    Develop the right attitude
    . Being fit is a marathon, not a sprint, and it requires 

    making changes to your entire lifestyle. Don't approach this with the mindset that you can abandon the changes you make as soon as you reach your ideal weight; you will slip into your bad habits very quickly thereafter and regain the weight. Being fit should be incorporating things into your life that you can eventually do by second nature.

  2. 2
    Incorporate more physical exercise into your daily routine.
     Incorporate more physical exercise into your daily routine.
    Incorporate more physical exercise into your daily routine. You're probably out of shape because you don't regularly challenge your body to do anything out of the daily range of motion.
    • Take the subway or bike to work/school instead of driving. If that's not possible, park several blocks away from your office building to force yourself into two 15-minute walks every day. These small changes definitely make a long-term impact in your fitness, if not your weight.
    • Clean your house. You'd be surprised how physically taxing housework is: dusting your shelves, cleaning your toilets, doing the dishes, mowing the lawn, pulling weeds, and cleaning the garage will definitely give you a workout. Making yourself and your family clean parts of your house on a regular basis (i.e., every week or every other week) will not only create a better environment for you to live in, but also make burning calories simple.
  3. 3
    Start an exercise regimen and stick to it. Try running or using the treadmill a set number of days a week, gradually increasing in intensity and/or length of exercise. You could also try purchasing a book that schedule workouts for you, like Five Factor Fitness. Though you should try to tailor your workouts to your own style as much as possible, the two areas of fitness that everyone should address are strength training and cardio:
    • Building muscle through strength-training will not only increase your strength and tone, but also increase your metabolism, as muscular people have been shown to burn more calories even when they’re at rest.[1] If going to the gym isn’t for you, trystrength-training at home.
    • Cardio workouts improve circulation and endurance. In fact, good cardiovascular health has even been linked with a decreased risk of Alzheimer’s.[2] Doing interval training (i.e. alternating between low- and high-intensity activity) has been shown to be a an especially fast and effective way to improve heart health and endurance.[3] Anyone over the age of 60 or who has heart disease, high blood pressure, or arthritis should consult a doctor before attempting interval training.
  4. 4
    Switch things up.
     Switch things up.
    Switch things up. Any physical activity that causes at least a little bit of strain will help you get fit, but it's important to remember that variety is the spice of life. More importantly, as your body gets comfortable performing a certain activity, it learns to do it more efficiently, making it easy for you to plateau in your workouts. Keep both your body and your mind guessing by enjoying a diversity of activities and having fun:
    • Dance for exercise. Anything from ballet dance to breakdancing or even jumpstyle will increase your fitness if you stick with it.
    • Jump in the pool. It doesn't matter if you're treading waterdog paddling, ormastering the butterfly stroke. Swimming is a good form of exercise that can be fun, too.
    • Walk the dog. Walk the neighbor's dog. If you don't have a dog, go to a dog park and play with someone else's dog. You meet good people, you get exercise, you socialize, and you can snuggle a puppy while you’re at it.
  5. 5
    Keep track of your progress and be proud of minor improvements.
     Keep track of your progress and be proud of minor improvements.
    Keep track of your progress and be proud of minor improvements. Don't be discouraged if you stop losing weight or if you have a few setbacks; remember that overall, you've put yourself on an upward trajectory and that's definitely something to be proud of.
    • Don't think that just because you have one setback, you may as well scrap it all and give up for the day. There's a big difference between consuming 500 calories and 1000 calories of junk food, so keep yourself motivated towards progress.
  6. 6
    Give your body fuel.
     Give your body fuel.
    Give your body fuel. As you become more active, you'll need more food, but not just any food – you need healthy, energy-laden food that'll jump start the next phase of your day, not weigh it down. Learn how to eat healthfully and drink more water.
    • Learn to eat right. Start by switching to whole grain. It's healthy, but good; most people don't taste any differences. Cut out unhealthy snacks and replace them with fruits and vegetables. Emphasize low energy-density foods (i.e. high volume, low calorie) like fruits and veggies; the high fiber and water content will make you feel full despite the fact that they contain little energy.[4] (To compare, dried fruits are low-energy density foods due to the fact that the water has been removed; just think about how easy it is to eat an entire bag of raisins and still feel hungry!)
    • Drink 8-10 glasses of water each day. It keeps you hydrated throughout the way, promoting optimal metabolic activity.[5] Moreover, water takes up a great volume in your stomach, so you will feel fuller without having consumed many snacks or meals. This is a great tool to keep off the excessive calories that you don't really need to keep your body functioning but consume due to psychological eating or not knowing your satiety levels.
    • Eat foods with a low glycemic index. These are foods that take longer for your body to digest and convert into energy, so you will feel fuller throughout the day with a smaller number of calories. Moreover, you avoid the "sugar rush" that comes as a result of eating foods with a high glycemic index, getting a nice boost of sustained energy throughout the day instead. This will keep you uplifted whether you're doing work or exercising.
  7. 7
    Carry a metal water bottle around with you at all times.
     Carry a metal water bottle around with you at all times.
    Carry a metal water bottle around with you at all times. You'll be surprised how easy it is to get in your recommended 64-80 oz. of water each day. It's also cheaper than purchasing drinks whenever you get thirsty, and better for the environment.
  8. 8
    Keep your house stocked with the right food. Purchase the healthy fruits, vegetables, whole grains, soups, etc. that you want yourself to eat, and keep the junk out of your cupboards so you won't be tempted. It's not bad to indulge once in awhile, but it's too easy to do so if you keep your house full of unhealthy treats. Instead, the best litmus test for your true desire to indulge is if you're willing to make the trip to the bakery or supermarket to purchase it. (Even better, make that trip on foot or by bike, if possible!)
    • Before you indulge, drink two 8 oz. glasses of water. If you still want the treat after that, go for it. Sometimes our brain confuses our hunger or cravings for food with thirst. Water, surprisingly, is one of the best cure of cravings.
  9. 9
    Let your body rest.
     Let your body rest.
    Let your body rest. When you're giving your body a run for its money with varied physical activities, you also need to let it recover and renew by getting a sufficient amount of sleep. Determine how many hours of sleep you need in order to feel refreshed in the morning, then discipline yourself to wake up and go to bed at the same times on a daily basis.
    • Not getting enough sleep also comes at a huge expense to your immune system. You're much more likely to get sick if you don't give your body the energy or time to fight against infectious viruses and bacteria, and you'll take longer to recover from common conditions like a cold.
    • Sleeping too little has also been linked to overeating.[6] Be sure that you don’t deprive your body of sleep energy or you will make it up in calories.
  10. 10
    Get a check-up. To stay fit in the long run, you should perform regular maintenance on your body, just as you would with a car. Take yourself to the doctor and dentist regularly to make sure everything is running smoothly on the inside and to prevent any potential problems from arising.


How To Get Fit For Free with Outdoor Workouts. Create your own Exercise Workout Regimen & Stick To It.

  • The benefits of a healthy lifestyle and physical fitness are easy to obtain with a small amount of know-how and a serious commitment. If you have decided that you're going to work out, you have to follow through, and not look for excuses to ignore the routine. Many people say, "Tomorrow..." No. You have to start now; else you'll be going nowhere.
  • If necessary, have a serious "heart-to-heart" with all of your loved ones. Explain to each and every loved one that you want to be there for them for many healthy years to come. If they don't happen to share your fitness ambitions, ask each loved one to at least respect your will to get fit, so that you can enjoy a healthy way of living.
  • If you are overweight, start with something simple like jogging 5 minutes everyday. The next week, go 10 minutes a day. Continue increasing your output until you establish a solid routine.
  • Once you have gotten to your desired fitness, continue the steps that got you there. Wellness is a lifestyle, not a prize

Sunday, 15 April 2012


the most widely asked about question 

1.How to be fit and slim

As usually believed it always does not depend on the amount of exercise you do 
based on my personal experiences and some scientific researches done by well known names there are a lot of factors on which a persons health depends on 

(i) Social activity 
You always need not do hours of tense exercises to be fit 
it has been found out that peoples who are socially active(i do not mean on facebook) being physically active such as going to parties hanging out with friends can be really beneficial- dancing in pubs is proved to be one of the best ways to get unnecessary things out of your body as well as mind

(ii) Sports 
Its been proved that playing soccer or any similar game for one hour is better than an hour of gym or jog since team-games makes us  socially related to others players and gives pleasure to our brain which helps more than boring activities like jog/gym etc 

Now, this one thing is true of what you've heard,you are what you eat there is no escaping this one if you eat junk food you are going to get unhealthy and get a lot of nasty boils on your face 
some say dieting is good yes it is but crash dieting is worse than junk food especially when you are a kid or teen since your body is growing you need to give it an ample amount of supplement of vitamins and other things the best way to diet is to replace unhealthy things with healthy ones if your eating chicken macaroni cheese pasta the increase the amount of chicken veges and decrease the amount of cheese